Modal Verb Need

Modal Verb Need

The verb need has two sets of forms: those of a 'modal auxiliary verb', and those of an 'ordinary verb'. As a modal verb need has no –s on the third person singular, no infinitives and participles; it combines with a bare infinitive; questions and negatives are made without do.  

Patterns. Read and memorize! 

Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I need hardly go there.Need I mention these words?I needn’t be afraid.

She need hardly go thereNeed she mention these words?She needn’t be afraid.
He need hardly go there.Need he mention these words?He needn’t be afraid.
We need hardly go there.Need we mention these words?We needn’t be afraid.
You need hardly go there.Need you mention these words?You needn’t be afraid.
They need hardly go there.Need they mention these words?They needn’t be afraid.

Note 1: - The modal verb 'need' has only one tense form – the present.

Note 2:'Need' is mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences, and in sentences which express doubt or negative ideas.

Note 3: – There is a contracted negative needn’t .


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