- Modal Verb May
The Forms, Meanings and Use of the Modal Verb MAY (MIGHT). May and might are modal auxiliary verb, like for example must , can and ought. These verbs have no infinitives or participles (to may, mighted, maying do not exist), question and negatives...
- Present Simple Tense
Usage Present Simple Tense describes actions in the present that take place once, never or several times and repeatedly or habitually, actions related to schedules and timetables as well as well-known facts and general truths. We use it when giving directions...
- Avoid Common Mistakes In English
Some mistakes made by foreigners while speaking English are more common than other ones. I hope this might help some of you and reading it will take only a few seconds... Let’s get started.To tell and to sayWe will learn the usage of the verbs 'to...
- Quick Quiz - Transport
Sort out some words connected with various forms of transport.
Click on Start quiz to begin. Each box will contain a word connected with a particular form of transport, and a word will appear above the table. Add it to the appropriate list...