
Energy Islands

Solidarnosć thirtieth anniversary

More on Samsø

More on Scottish islands and renewable energy.

Do U h8 txt msging lingo or do U thnk its just gr8?

Some random thoughts about UK and US grammar

Follow up exercise to those random thoughts

Fumbling about with the style rules of English

Random thoughts on the Subjunctive

Video lesson - Mr Mann's disappointed horse

Some words are simply outwith some people's understanding. A rant in defence of the word 'outwith'.

Oh Brother! Labour has a new Ed.

Loop back to me and we'll touch base about this offline.

Who you are is what you eat

Who you are is what you eat 2 - Follow up exercise

Wedding vocabulary anagram quiz

Of scams and conspiracies - the language of climate change

Let's not call a spade a spade - the language of euphemisms

Intensifiers are ridiculously easy to understand

Video vocabulary quiz and a look at some collective nouns

Lots of sex please, we're British. But perhaps we should just disguise it a little.

Lesson on linking verbs aka copular verbs

In praise of Singular they

Both a borrower and a lender be

Some random August ramblings

Mastering Negativity

Random-ize: The King James Bible, -ize and -ize verbs

Random-ise: Thomas Nashe, mummianize, tympanize and other -ize verbs

It's not what you said. It's how you said it.

The Lazy Man's Guide to Acronyms

Inversion in Conditionals

Tag questions and short answers - exercises

Phrasal verbs with go

I are Hulk, I has no grammar

Why English?

Gradable and ungradable adjectives

Random stories - Narrative tenses

Politically correct language

A bit of this and that (and these and those)

Be Your Own Proofreader

Exploring grammar - verb types

Guide to Style Guides

Present Perfect – When to Use

Prepositional verbs revisited

The team are - Collective nouns in British English

Vocab game Animal trivia quizzes

Lesson on intensifiers

Unreal Past

Teacher tools - Word shapes

Random-ize: Bentley's Miscellany and the spelling of -ize suffix verbs
