This quiz is based on a list of around 100 adjectives with their dependent prepositions.
Instructions and basic principles
When you press Start quiz, the program will randomise the whole list and show you the first ten questions. When you've completed the first ten, you have a choice:
1. - Use the selector to change to Text entry mode, which is a bit more difficult, and repeat the questions before moving on.
2. - Or you can move on to the next ten, by pressing Next. You can do this as many times as you like to the end of the quiz.
The basic idea is the you can dip in and out of this quiz without necessarily doing the whole set (some of these quizzes are likely to have upwards of 200 questions!).
I'd rather do the adjectives in alphabetical order - Fine. Just uncheck the 'Randomised' box. But this will start the quiz again from zero.
This is too easy! - If you want to make the quiz a little more difficult, select 'Options' - 'Text entry' and enter the prepositions from your keyboard.
Sometimes there is more than one possible answer. The program, however, knows only the answer I've given it, so if it marks you wrong, just try a different alternative.
To start at the beginning again just press Start quiz once more.
Related quizzes
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- Prepositions