Pronunciation game using IPA symbols

Pronunciation game using IPA symbols

Practise using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols with these quizzes. You have a choice of keyboards: one laid out by letter type, the other a sort of (Q)werty board. Try individual sounds or whole words.

Use the 'Select quiz' dropdown to start. For individual sounds, the program will tell you automatically if you are right or wrong. For words or combined sounds, click on 'Check'. If you get stuck on either sounds or words, click on 'Show'.
If you want a reminder of which symbol stands for what sound, you can look at my page or try one of the links below.
You can find a version of the pronunciation poem with sound files at the link below (poem 2).
ɪ ʊ ʌ ɒ ə e æ short vowels
ɪ: u: ɑ: ɔ: ɜ: long vowels
əʊ ɔɪ ɪə ʊə diphthongs
p t ʧ k f θ s ʃ unvoiced consonants
b d ʤ g v ð z ʒ voiced consonants
l m n ŋ r w j h other consonants
əʊ ɔɪ ɪə ʊə
w e r t ɪ ɪ: ɜ: ʌ ʊ u: ɒ ɔ: p
æ ɑ: s ʃ d f g h j ʒ k l
z v b n ŋ m ʧ ʤ θ ð ə



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